Friday, April 24, 2015


sitting alone in my office
on the second floor
forty three miles from home
I still make believe that
I know what I am doing

success is inevitable,
loyalty is possible,
and my aging
body will once again fit
into those jeans
I have tucked away
on the top shelf

no one knows that I am  
a masterful actress,
an introverted mind reader, that
I balance plates heaped
with stereotypes, and
the drawings on the wall
are mine

© 4.24.2015 heather brager 


  1. Were I so fortunate as to be standing in your presence, at present, you would audibly hear me applaud this piece.

    If you were to ever go to one of the "meet and greet" blogs and post this, everyone would want to be your friend.

  2. You excerpts so perfectly that sense of alienation artists and intellectuals feel in office when, day jobs, even family gatherings. Sending you love and admiration.
