Tuesday, October 26, 2010


their routine departures
the left is right, ambidextrous
compounded and condensed
mountainous country to city escapes
halting a destination
by patchwork exits
and liquor’s no solution
for voices bellowing overhead
edgy, just lying in the wait
for breathing to commence

©10.26.2010 heather brager 


  1. "and liquor's no solution" - great line, very well done.

  2. Thank you. Appreciate you reading. :)

  3. Ahh... read this over in MS... and i don't recall what i typed... it seems upon this reading that there is a the sense of people living and passing... almost through one another... as if they were ghosts to one another... and i could not help but think about how my children hold their breath when we pass a cemetary... of course i project myself here... what else can i do :)

    Really enjoyed this sensation of thought inspired by your words.
